Kimeca Engineering Services

Your Engineering Partner For Any Mechanical Industry Challenge.

Our engineers and technicians are working on sophisticated concepts for the ongoing development of mechanical products and manufacturing process optimizations. These specialists are also working on lighting systems, bench test development, and 3D printing technologies.

Kimeca supports OEMs and suppliers in the constructive design of new approaches for mechanical, bench test, and lighting solutions.


Our services cover the full product development process:

  • Customer’s requirements identification
    • Product Function
    • Assembly
    • Manufacturing
    • Testing
    • Materials
  • Conceptual Design Generation
  •  Product Functional Validation and Optimization with CAE tools
    • CFD
    • Structural
  • Product’s Comfort Validations and Optimization
    • Structural Radiated Noise
  • Detail Design
  • Mold And Die Tools Conceptual and Detail Design
  • Prototype Design and Manufacturing
  • Testing
    • Fixture Design and Manufacturing
    • Complete Bench Test Design

Also, our engineers are able to Design and Optimize manufacturing processes:

  • Forging
  • Stamping
  • Rolling
  • Drawing

We are able to support you with the complete process or specific tasks:

  • CAD services:
    • 3D Part and Assembly Design
    • 2D drawings
  • CAE:
    • Product Functional Validations
      • Stress State
      • Dynamic
        • Modal Analysis
        • Time Domain
        • Frequency Domain
        • Random
      • Heat Transfer
      • Structural Radiated Noise
      • Creep
      • Fluid-Structure Interaction
      • Buckling and Post-Buckling
    • Manufacturing Process Validations:
      • Stamping
      • Forging
      • Rolling
      • Drawing
      • Protection Against Plastic Collapse
      • Protection Against Local Failure
      • Protection Against Collapse From Buckling
  • CAM:
    • Machining Path Generations
    • GCode programming
  • Automation:
    • COBOTs
    • Process Control
      • PLC
      • Arduino


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